

pylint: disable=missing-docstring, global-statement, invalid-name, too-few-public-methods, no-self-use

A random mother cachelot and calf

Copyright (C) 2017 Jonas Colmsjö, Claes Strannegård

This is an extention of the random_mom_and_calf example where the mom and calf are implemented using classes that are inheriting the Agent class. The behaviour is now implemented using the Network and MotorNetwork classes. The Mom and Calf classes shows two slightly different ways the classes can be used.

import random
from functools import partial

from animatai.agents import Agent
from animatai.network import Network, MotorNetwork

from toolz.curried import do
from toolz.functoolz import compose
from gzutils.gzutils import Logging, unpack

from sea import Sea, Song, Squid
from random_mom_and_calf_config import mom_start_pos, calf_start_pos, OPTIONS

Setup logging

l = Logging('random_mom_and_calf2', DEBUG_MODE)

Mom that moves by random until squid is found. Move forward when there is squid and sing. When there is no squid, move forward, upward or dive randomly.

The network consists of one SENSOR for Squid and three RAND (random) nodes each with a probability of 0.3 of being True. The eight states the three RAND nodes generate are mapped to the motors: forward, dive_and_forward, up_and_forward. The SENSOR is mapped to the motor sing_eat_and_forward. Mapping states to motors is done using a dict here.

Pseudocode: ``` r1, r2, r3 <= RAND, RAND, RAND eat_sing_and_forward <= s1 <= SENSOR(Squid) forward <= n2 <= NOT(s1, n3, n4) dive_and_forward <= n3 <= AND(NOT(s1), OR(AND(r1, NOT(r2, r3)), AND(r3, NOT(r1, r2)))) rewrite using ONE AND(NOT(s1), OR(ONE(r1, [r2, r3], ONE(r3, [r1, r2])))) up_and_forward <= n4 <= AND(NOT(s1), NOT(r1, r2, r3))


motors = ['sing_eat_and_forward', 'forward', 'dive_and_forward',
          'up_and_forward', 'eat_and_forward']


sing_eat_and_forward, forward, dive_and_forward = frozenset([0]), frozenset([1]), frozenset([2])
up_and_forward, eat_and_forward = frozenset([3]), frozenset([4])

motors_to_action = {sing_eat_and_forward: 'sing_eat_and_forward',
                    forward: 'forward',
                    dive_and_forward: 'dive_and_forward',
                    up_and_forward: 'up_and_forward',
                    eat_and_forward: 'eat_and_forward',
                    '*': '-'}
class Mom(Agent):
    def __init__(self):

pylint: disable=line-too-long, too-many-locals

        super().__init__(None, 'mom')

        N = Network(None, {'energy': 1.0})
        self.status = N.get_NEEDs()
        self.status_history = {'energy':[]}

        M = MotorNetwork(motors, motors_to_action)
        SENSOR, RAND, AND = N.add_SENSOR_node, N.add_RAND_node, N.add_AND_node
        NOT, OR = N.add_NOT_node, N.add_OR_node

        s1, r1, r2, r3 = SENSOR(Squid), RAND(0.3), RAND(0.3), RAND(0.3)
        n3 = AND([NOT([s1]), OR([AND([r1, NOT([r2, r3])]), AND([r3, NOT([r1, r2])])])])
        n4 = AND([NOT([s1]), NOT([r1, r2, r3])])
        n2 = NOT([s1, n3, n4])

        state_to_motor = {frozenset([s1]): sing_eat_and_forward,
                          frozenset([n2]): forward,
                          frozenset([n3]): dive_and_forward,
                          frozenset([n4]): up_and_forward}

        l.info('state_to_motor:', state_to_motor)
        l.info('motors_to_action:', motors_to_action)

compose applies the functions from right to left

        self.program = compose(do(partial(l.debug, 'Mom mnetwork.update'))
                               , M.update
                               , do(partial(l.debug, 'Mom state_to_motor'))
                               , lambda p: state_to_motor.get(p[0])
                               , do(partial(l.debug, N))
                               , do(partial(l.debug, 'Mom filter interesting states'))
                               , lambda p: (p[0] & {s1, n2, n3, n4}, p[1])
                               , do(partial(l.debug, 'Mom network.update'))
                               , N.update
                               , do(partial(l.debug, 'Mom percept'))
    def __repr__(self):
        return '<{} ({})>'.format(self.__name__, self.__class__.__name__)

Calf that will by random until hearing song. Dive when hearing song. The world will not permit diving below the bottom surface, so it will just move forward.

class Calf(Agent):

pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes

    def __init__(self):

pylint: disable=line-too-long

        super().__init__(None, 'calf')

        N = Network(None, {'energy': 1.0})
        self.status = N.get_NEEDs()
        self.status_history = {'energy':[]}

        s1 = N.add_SENSOR_node(Squid)
        r1 = N.add_RAND_node(0.3)
        r2 = N.add_RAND_node(0.3)
        r3 = N.add_RAND_node(0.3)
        s2 = N.add_SENSOR_node(Song)

        M = MotorNetwork(motors, motors_to_action)

        state_to_motor = {frozenset([r1, r2, r3]): forward,
                          frozenset([r1, r2]): forward,
                          frozenset([r1, r3]): forward,
                          frozenset([r2, r3]): forward,
                          frozenset([r2]): forward,
                          frozenset([r3]): up_and_forward,
                          frozenset([r1]): up_and_forward,
                          frozenset([]): dive_and_forward}

compose applies the functions from right to left

        self.program = compose(do(partial(l.debug, 'Calf mnetwork.update'))
                               , M.update
                               , do(partial(l.debug, 'Calf state_to_motor'))
                               , lambda p: eat_and_forward if s1 in p[0] else (dive_and_forward if s2 in p[0] else up_and_forward)

, lambda s: eat_and_forward if s1 in s else (dive_and_forward if s2 in s else state_to_motor.get(s))

                               , lambda p: do(partial(l.info, '--- CALF HEARD SONG, DIVING! ---'))(p) if s2 in p[0] else p
                               , lambda p: do(partial(l.info, '--- CALF FOUND SQUID, EATING! ---'))(p) if s1 in p[0] else p
                               , do(partial(l.debug, 'Calf network.update'))
                               , N.update
                               , do(partial(l.debug, 'Calf percept'))
    def __repr__(self):
        return '<{} ({})>'.format(self.__name__, self.__class__.__name__)


def run(wss=None, steps=None, seed=None):
    steps = int(steps) if steps else 10
    l.debug('Running random_mom_and_calf in', str(steps), 'steps with seed', seed)


    options = OPTIONS
    options.wss = wss
    sea = Sea(options)

    mom = Mom()
    calf = Calf()

    sea.add_thing(mom, mom_start_pos)
    sea.add_thing(calf, calf_start_pos)


if __name__ == "__main__":